Filing for a trademark is one of the best ways your company can secure its intellectual property.
One of the most unique aspects of trademarks is their longevity. In this regard, trademarks do better than other kinds of IP protections:
- While a U.S. utility patent protects one’s invention from others, it only lasts 20 years.
- Copyright for things like books, music, etc., created after January 1, 1978 lasts the life of the author plus 70 years.
- Copyright for works “made for hire,” such as work created by a business for a customer, the copyright lasts for a term of 95 years from the year of its first publication or a term of 120 years from the year of its creation, whichever expires first.
- The first trademark legislation was passed in England in 1266.
- The oldest U.S. registered trademark still in use is trademark reg. no 11210, depicting Samson wrestling a lion, which was registered on May 27, 1884 by the J.P. Tolman Company (now Samson Rope Technologies, Inc.), a rope-making company.
- The oldest continuously used trademark on record is Stella Artois – the company claims continuous use of its mark since 1366.
At IpHorgan, we offer you insight that can only be acquired and meticulously developed during our 15 year history as a team with over 200 years cumulative professional experience working on intellectual property transactions with businesses in nearly every sector of the U.S. and global economy.