The 23 Point Checklist to Trademarks Essentials
What Your Organization Needs to Know to Protect Its Intellectual Property
In our guide, we cover the most important things you need to know about trademarks, including a number of factors even the most knowledgeable teams often miss!
You'll have a better understanding of:
- Trademark Applications
- Trademark Use Best Practices
- Foreign Registrations
- Stopping Trademark Infringement

As the founder of IpHorgan, I am proud of the ethnic and national diversity of our team. In our offices, everyone is welcomed!
The genius of the American experiment is that it has thrived by nurturing and welcoming people of ambition, talent, and virtue from wherever they can be found— no matter their gender, race or belief system. I believe in America. But to continue being a great nation, we must be American not just in name, but also in spirit. Here at IpHorgan we value all people for their humanity.
— Dermot Horgan